Unified Receipt Management System

An all-in-one platform to manage receipts, including sales, refunds, approvals, and subscriptions. Features automation for dispatch and a customizable builder to tailor receipts with personalized logos, colors, and text.


Work Process

Making sure the platform meets users needs and wants

Project Purpose

To provide a unified platform for merchants to manage and send digital receipts via email. This platform features an intuitive table with action setups, automation, and a customizable receipt theme builder. Merchants can add logos, change colors, edit text, and schedule automated emails with receipts attached as PDFs, enhancing brand consistency and customer experience.

Target Users

  • Small and Medium Business Owners: Need a streamlined solution for managing and sending receipts to improve efficiency and branding.
  • E-commerce Managers: Require automation and customization features to handle high volumes of transactions and maintain brand consistency.
  • Accountants: Benefit from automated receipt generation and management to reduce manual errors and improve record-keeping.
  • Subscription-Based Services: Need robust tools to manage recurring payments, refunds, and customer communication effectively.
  • Retailers: Require an efficient way to manage sales approvals, refunds, and customized customer receipts.
  • Freelancers and Consultants: Benefit from a professional, branded receipt system to enhance client communication and satisfaction.

Brainstorming and sketching the idea with key stakeholders, including Product Managers, Developers, Account Managers, System Aanalysts, and more.


Making sure the platform meets users needs and wants

Design Sprint

In this project, we conducted a design sprint that included brainstorming, generating ideas, and sketching the main screens to bring the most valuable features to our customers.

Using “How Might We” (HMW) cards in our design sprints transformed user challenges into opportunities for innovation. By framing problems as open-ended questions, we fostered creativity and collaboration among our cross-functional team. HMW cards helped us maintain a user-centric focus, guided ideation, and streamlined prototyping, ensuring our solutions effectively addressed user needs. This approach led to the development of a comprehensive payment platform that automates and customizes digital receipts, enhancing brand consistency and customer experience.

User Journey 

Creating a user journey for this project is essential for understanding and addressing user needs, ensuring a user-centric design that enhances satisfaction and usability. It helps prioritize feature development and align stakeholders on project goals, providing a clear roadmap for effective development. Additionally, it identifies opportunities for improvement and integrates user feedback, leading to increased adoption and retention. Ultimately, it ensures our platform delivers high value and a seamless experience for users.

User Interview

Interview with Emily, Influencer and Singer

1. Can you describe your typical day and how you manage your receipts?

  • Emily: “My typical day involves a lot of multitasking. I’m constantly on the move between recording studios, photo shoots, and managing my social media. For receipts, I use a mix of email and paper, which often gets overwhelming.”

2. What are your biggest pain points when it comes to managing receipts?

  • Emily: “The biggest pain points are losing track of receipts and spending too much time organizing them. It’s difficult to keep everything in order, especially when I’m traveling.”

3. How do you currently handle customization of your receipts for your brand?

  • Emily: “I don’t have a streamlined process. I manually edit each receipt, which is very time-consuming. I’d love a way to automatically incorporate my branding.”

4. What features would you find most valuable in a receipt management platform?

  • Emily: “Automation is key. I’d love a platform that can send receipts automatically and allow me to customize them easily with my logo, colors, and personalized text.”

5. How do you think a receipt management platform could improve your productivity?

  • Emily: “It would save me a lot of time and reduce stress. I could focus more on my creative work instead of administrative tasks. It would also help me maintain a more professional image.”

6. What other tools or platforms do you use to manage your business and personal tasks?

  • Emily: “I use a mix of social media management tools, Google Workspace, and a few project management apps. Integration with these tools would be very helpful.”

Summary and Insights

Summary: Emily, an influencer and singer, struggles with managing receipts due to a mix of manual processes and lack of organization. She values automation and customization to maintain her brand’s professionalism and streamline her workflow. Integrating receipt management with her existing tools would significantly enhance her productivity.


  1. Need for Automation: Automation in receipt management can save users significant time and reduce stress, allowing them to focus on their core activities.
  2. Importance of Customization: Customizable receipts that reflect the user’s brand identity are crucial for maintaining a professional image.
  3. Integration with Existing Tools: Integrating with other platforms and tools that users already utilize can enhance the platform’s value and ease of adoption.
  4. User-Centric Design: Understanding the daily challenges and workflows of users like Emily is essential to designing a platform that truly meets their needs.
  5. Focus on User Experience: Simplifying the receipt management process can significantly improve user satisfaction and productivity.

Sketching Wireframes

This is example form the sketching I’ve designed for this project. I designed a user flow for a receipt management platform. The process starts with the Main Dashboard, where users view all transactions types  in a table format. Next, users can select a transaction to access the Detail View for more information or specific actions. They then proceed to the Customization template wizard, where they can design and modify receipt templates to match their brand. Finally, the Automation Setup screen allows users to configure rules for automatic receipt dispatch. This flow ensures efficient management, customization, and automation of receipts, enhancing the overall user experience.

All-in-One Digital Receipt Management Platform

This platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing digital receipts, enabling merchants to automate receipt creation and dispatch for various transaction types, including sales, refunds, and subscriptions.

The Email Notifications feature allows users to set up automated email notifications for different transaction events, ensuring that customers receive timely and customized receipts. With a focus on enhancing customer experience and brand consistency, the platform includes a robust theme builder for tailoring receipts with personalized logos, colors, and text.

The intuitive interface simplifies the process, making it easy for merchants to manage and customize their receipts all in one plac

Simple and intuitive Theme builder wizard

The wizard contain 3 steps:

Step 1: Template Settings – general setting of delivery, email titles, language site and name. 

Brand customization

Step 2: Merchant Details – general setting where you can upload your logo, adjust the colors to the brand style guide and add links to compliance and terms of use.

Product Information

Step 3: Product Details – here there is option to add extra information like delivery details and so on.

Simple Data Table

All the templates that were created and customized are orgenized in a data table with action such: create, delete, edit, duplicate with functionality of filtering and search for specific template. 

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